Specialist Supported Living and Wraparound Services for the hard to place.

Training and Development

At Westbrook Care, we believe that the quality of our services is directly linked to the quality of our staff. That’s why we invest heavily in the training and development of our team. Our ‘Excellence in Care’ program includes:

Induction Training: Comprehensive onboarding for new staff covering the essentials of care, company policies, and client respect and dignity.

Specialised Training: Advanced courses in managing specific conditions like epilepsy, autism, acquired brain injuries, and more.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD): Ongoing training opportunities to keep our staff at the forefront of care practices, including seminars, workshops, and e-learning.

Leadership Development: Leadership and management training for senior staff to ensure effective and compassionate leadership throughout our services.

Mentorship Programs: Pairing experienced staff with new recruits to provide guidance, support, and on-the-job learning.

Wellness and Resilience: Programs focused on staff well-being, including stress management, work-life balance, and mental health support.

Our commitment to training ensures that every member of our team is not only qualified but also confident and capable of providing the highest standard of care.

Call us to discuss your care needs: 01883 333 055

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