Specialist Supported Living and Wraparound Services for the hard to place.

In-Home 24-Hour Care Services

Our private live-in care services offer a seamless blend of companionship and comprehensive care, allowing anyone with care needs, including those requiring complex care, to continue residing in the familiar comfort of their own home. With a dedicated 24-hour live-in carer, you are empowered to live life on your terms. We take the time to understand your preferences and routines, ensuring the support plan we devise is as unique as you are, facilitated by a carer whose presence is comforting and whose assistance is tailored to your lifestyle.

More and more families are recognising the value of live-in home care as a preferred alternative to traditional residential care settings.

This service commences when a professional and empathetic carer settles into a spare room in your residence, offering uninterrupted assistance. Typically arranged on a two-week rotation with a colleague, your carer is there to provide as much or as little support as you require, adhering to a bespoke care plan crafted in collaboration with you from the very beginning.

To discuss your care needs or to learn more about supported living, call us today: 01883 333 055.

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